David Chalupa
A freelance computer scientist | specialized software engineer
Network Data
This is a summary page for the complex network data sets used in several papers listed at the bottom of this page. Please refer to the corresponding category below.
Social Network Data
Social Network Samples
Links to Other Network Data Repositories
The following are the links to other network data sources.

Network Science Data Repository
UCLA Database of Interacting Proteins
DIMACS Graph Coloring Instances
(please refer to the original sources given at the pages linked)
An Order-based Algorithm for Minimum Dominating Set with Application in Graph Mining
Chalupa, D.
Information Sciences, 426, 101-116, 2018
Mining k-Reachable Sets in Real-world Networks Using Domination in Shortcut Graphs
Chalupa, D., Blum, C.
Journal of Computational Science, 22, 1-14, 2017
Computational Methods for Finding Long Simple Cycles in Complex Networks
Chalupa, D., Balaghan, P., Hawick, K. A., Gordon, N. A.
Knowledge-Based Systems, 125, 91-105, 2017
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